Supported Self-Filing Tax Workshop

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Program Type:

Financial Literacy

Age Group:

Adult, Young Adult, Seniors
Registration for this event will close on April 11, 2025 @ 6:00pm.
There are no more seats remaining.
There are 9 waitlist seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

It's tax season! In this hands-on workshop, we'll assist people with simple tax situations to file their own tax returns using WealthSimple. At the end of the session, you'll leave with your taxes filed and all the knowledge to file your taxes next year too!

We recommend you bring your own laptop to the workshop, though we will also have library laptops available for you to borrow.

To be eligible for this session you must:

  • know how to use a computer
  • have a simple tax situation
  • have a cell phone

What is a simple tax situation?

Your tax situation is simple if you have no income or if your income comes from:

  • Employment
  • Pension
  • Benefits (e.g. Canada Pension Plan, Disability, Canada Child Benefit, Employment Insurance or Ontario Works)
  • RRSP

When is a tax situation not simple?

You will be ineligible for this session if your tax situation is not simple. This includes if you:

  • Are self-employed or have employment expenses
  • Have business or rental income/expenses
  • Have capital gains or losses
  • Have filed for bankruptcy
  • Are completing a tax return for a deceased person

Please note: Library staff will NOT be filing taxes on behalf of participants during this session. For more information about our Tax Resources and for a list of Tax Clinics in Durham Region, please visit


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